Monday 12 October 2015

photography. 10 images i narrowed down to about 4

 In this blog im going to be showing you my 10 images i picked and the 4 im going to narrow it down to.
Here you can see this first image with a girl sitting down with fairy lights on her head. I didn't end up doing this image though as i couldn't find fairy lights anywhere. the second image that we come to is one of the images that i recreated because i thought it looked really cool and wouldn't take hours on hours to recreate. The third image you see i didn't really take a second look at after some thought because i have no idea as to where id find a window like that. The 4th  image is the image with the creepy man holding the camera and i actually recreated this because i thought it looked freaky as hell. The 5th image i considered doing but i didn't because other images looked way better like the 7th image on the screen which i recreated because it looks awesome and i thought it wouldn't be too bad to recreate. The 6th image looks really cool and i kind of wish i did it because it looks so good but sadly i couldn't find a narrow road that looks like that anywhere. The 8th picture was similar to one i had already picked and didn't look as good which is why i didn't pick that one. The 9th picture is also one which i recreated because i thought it looked cool and i believed in myself that i could recreate it and i did and finally the 10th and final image you see looks super cool but i already had my 4 that i wanted to recreate and i thought it was way out of my skill range to try and recreate that. Maybe later on in the year i will.

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