Wednesday 14 October 2015

print advert evaluation

In this blog ill be talking about what i produced for my advert overall, the whole thing that i produced so the end product and talking about my print advert. Me and my group produced a nutritional energy bar that is called "avidity". We had quite a few ideas, from deodorant to drinks but a bar seemed best as not many other people had done a bar and he chose the name avidity because we looked up other words for energy and came across a word called "zeal" but the rest of my group didn't like it so we googled other names for zeal and Avidity came up which means energy or enthusiasm and me and the rest of my group all agreed on that name ans so that's what it is called. A nutritional, energy bar called Avidity. We then had to do a print and video version and for the print version we had to do the dimensions for the bar which took a while to do but i managed to crack it and then get on with designing the fonts and what the bar would look like and come across as. I also had to create a magazine advert for the bar where i had the slogan "energy for those desperate days" below the avidity bar and also had a list of all the things it contains inside the bar and that it was only £1. For the video and film part however we had to create a short film about 15-30 seconds long promoting our product (basically an advert) but could only use a maximum of 3 different locations during filming, after taking the cameras out with us and filming them on tripods etc we had to then go and edit them in a software called Adobe Premiere Pro and present the film to the class and for the class to watch. We researched a lot of things like what were in nutrition bars, the dimensions for bars, the name for the product and how we were going to make our advert freaky (watching freaky adverts helped). We learned many skills in doing the print advert like how to create it all in Photoshop and how to get adverts from a website called "da font" and I also learnt how to create shapes like stars in Adobe Illustrator then how to copy it into Photoshop. I then passed that information onto another student who wanted to know how to do a different shape and import it into Photoshop. It was all very helpful to me in making the advert. I am overall very happy with the final piece for the print advert as me and my group had put a lot of work into it and came across some struggles along the way like the bar dimensions and agreeing on a colour for the bar but we overcame them and in the end it looks like a nice and really professional final product. Next time if i had to do it again though i definitely wouldn't do a bar because that totally wrecked my head but i felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Here you can see my print magazine for "Avidity".

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