Monday 12 October 2015

Photography evaluation

Our assignment was to recreate 4 freaky images for our advert. Our first task was to do some research online and find 10 freaky images that we liked and narrow it down to just 4 to then recreate them, edit them in Photoshop to make them look even creepier and put those 4 images together as a mashup/montage.  Here are the 4 images that inspired me.

The first image of mine is of my friend holding a camera with a quite creepy, menacing smile and i also photo-shopped a scar above and below his eye for added creepiness impact on the picture. The second image of mine that you see is freaky or unusual because it has a man covering one of his eyes and his mouth but instead of it being behind his hands they're in front of them which is quite creepy and weird. The third image (below) is of a womans eye but this isn't any normal eye, the pupil and the colouring around it has been cut out and replaced with a picture of a spiraling staircase. Then the 4th picture is of hands. But freakishly enough they aren't actually hands they're just the fingers because the hands and in between have been cut out.

what were your ideas? refer to your proposal - outline what is was you intended to do.

My ideas as you can see in my proposal are that i would be creating a magazine advert that would be freaky and unique using skills that i have acquired through lessons using Photoshop and using the college cameras, my idea was to recreate 4 freaky and/or unique pictures for my advert, the only props needed was a camera for someone to pose with on one of my pictures which was fine and i intended overall to just make 4 really freaky, well edited good pictures for my advert and personally i think i achieved that.

For the actual photography i had to take into account many things like for the eye picture i had to turn the dial on the camera to the flower image so i could take a better, not blurry picture then i had to find a location for the stairs which would of been hard if the college didn't have a cool spiral staircase next to us. For the hands picture i was going to buy fake fingers but couldn't find any which was a problem so i had to take a picture of someones hands and then edit it all in Photoshop. The creepy man with the scar was probably my favorite as i too a really cool picture of my friend and i couldn't quite figure out how to do the scar so i used the smudge effect on Photoshop instead, the location was easy as i cut round the background anyway but i had to get red lights to shine on his face to make his face bright. The man with the Photo-shopped lips and eyes was okay to find a location and i didn't need any props for it nor did i need any equipment apart from red lights and a camera ans finding the model was easy as i just asked the person next to me.

The final shots were edited decently. For the picture with the man and the scar holding the camera i got my friend Simeon to stand by a red board and pose in that certain way with a kind of creep-ish smile then i put it in Photoshop and used effects to impact it in the way i wanted like i used the pen tool to cut around him and added a black picture as the background and changed the colour to grey, however i put the yellow bar up a little more than the others as i wanted his skin to be quite light but didn't want his arms as light so i used the burn tool to darken his arms and keep his face slightly lighter. I also used lots of other effects like playing around with the curves and deepening and and lightening certain parts and adding shadows to certain parts etc. I couldn't figure out how to do a scar so I used the smudge tool and i think it came off quite decent.

For the man covering his eye and hand with the lips and eyes showing i took 2 photos: one of him standing there by himself and the other him with his hands how you see in the picture here to your left. I literally just used the clone stamp tool to create his eyes and mouth and the burn tool around those parts. I then cut around him using the pen tool and put a black image as the background and selected certain lighting to make his face stand more out.

For the eyeball, staircase picture i took a picture of a girls eye but couldn't quite get it right as it was blurry so the camera had to be set the mode with the flower on it and it took a very good extreme close close up of the eye but then i had to go to the top of the spiral staircase and take a photo of it going all the way down where i then put both the images into Photoshop, cut the eye out, put the stairs layer behind the girl layer and size it to fit nicely behind the eye where i then set both of them to grey-scale and played around with the curves tool for more effect.

Finally the fingers picture. It's quite simple as i just took a photo of someones hands and used the pen tool and the rubber tool to get rid of all the unnecessary things i didn't need and put a black background behind it.

Here's all the 4 final pictures for you to see:

Honestly if i had to do it differently next time i would do it so much different. The first picture you see i would of kept everything the same that i did as i like that picture but i don't like the 2nd one as i think it looks a bit rubbish so id of changed that one with a different kind of one. The third picture i like as i think its quite cool but i don't like the last picture with the fingers because i feel like it looks rushed and cheaply made even though it wasn't, id of probably ordered some fake prop fingers online and done it that way instead.

In my opinion i think that the four pictures i created does meet the assignment briefs and my original proposal.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Reece, I can see you have worked really hard and produced some good freaky images. Going forward, ensure you experiment with your photography and shoot more images/test shots. Through experimentation you'll really start to improve your photography skills. Keep it up.
