Monday 12 October 2015


Q1. What is ISO and what does it effect? ISO changes light sensitivity. The lower the ISO number, the less sensitive it is to the light, while a higher ISO number increases the sensitivity of your camera. The higher the light the lower the ISO but that changes the pixels in the photo.

Q2. When would we use the ‘P’ control setting on the camera mode dial.  P means program, you would use P when you want to control the ISO or white balance. You would use it when you want a bit more flexibility while not worrying what the shutter speed or anything is, its good for just focusing on composition or an important photo so you don't have to worry about other settings.

Q3. Name two important consideration when attaching the tripod baseplate to the bottom of camera?
  1. Make sure its tight.
  2. Make sure its in the right way (there's an arrow).

Q4. Name three important considerations when using a red-head lighting kit. 
  • Don't touch the barn doors because they get super hot.
  • Make sure you turn it off and leave it to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Make sure you don't trip on the wire.

Q5. When focusing the camera, what do we place on the object/subject to ensure it is the center of focus? The little green square (or cross hairs as i like to call them to make it sound cool).

Q6. Name two techniques we can use to adjust the brightness and contrast of a photograph? to adjust it you can use the curves tool in photoshop but on a camera you can use the "shutter speed", "aperture" and the "ISO" 

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