Monday 12 October 2015

Photography proposal

For the assignment set, i want to create a freaky or unique (hopefully both) magazine advertisement using the photography cameras i will take the these following lessons.

For props i don't need any as the four of them chosen only needs someone to pose with a camera which i can borrow from photography. Shooting people in front of the camera wont be a problem as i have already asked them and got approval from them that they are okay to be in front of the camera and are okay to have their photo taken.

For the photographs i need to take id need some equipment like the cameras and red heads. Using humans as my subjects wont be hard at all as I'm going to cut around them anyway and put a black picture as the background. The locations that I'm going to use are mainly in the classroom apart from i need to use the spiral staircase that is right next to it.

The considerations that i will have to think of while shooting my images are that I'm using a room with lots of windows and the sun normally comes blasting in so I'm thinking that could mess my photo up. I could put something in front of the windows but I highly doubt id be able to cover all of them and then some of the persons face would be covered by shadows. I think I'm going to have to use the red lights to get rid of the light a bit and direct the light where i want it then try and work wonders in the Photoshop stage of the editing process.

Once I'm at the Photoshop editing process i'll use tools that are called "curves" and "levels" to adjust the colour contrast of the imagery. The main tool that i will be using is a tool called the "pen" tool in which you can use to cut things out of and place them. I will also be using the "blur" tool and the "burn" tool. I hope that this will help my images to look more professional and a whole lot better (and more freaky). I feel like using all these images and effects will make them look a whole lot cooler and also help me to develop my skills.

One of the only obstacles that i feel like i will encounter is editing the pictures using all of those tool that i have described as i think that sometimes its a bit if a head wreck but all together it should hopefully go okay.

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