Wednesday 23 September 2015

Today we watched a film called "wasp" and it was about 20 minutes long. It was about an extremely poor family struggling and basically she falls for this man but she has 4 kids in which one of them was a baby. She was also fighting for her kids to not be taken away from social services. She meets some man in a car who asks her out that night to play pool at the club so she says shell think about it because she has 4 kids that she needs to look after but she doesn't tell him that, she says that she will think about it. She couldn't find a babysitter so she leaves them outside the pub while she goes in and plays pool with the man. Later on they get talking and she goes into his car and they start sexually kissing but then a wasp goes into the baby's mouth so she runs out the car to the baby but luckily the wasp flew back out.

Here are a list of shots that were used with the screenshots:

  •  This is a cut in shot.

  •  This is an extreme close up.

  • This is an extreme wide shot. 

  •  This is a medium close up.

  •  This screenshot is of a noddy shot.

  •  This is an over the shoulder shot.

  •  This is a two shot.

  •  This is a cutaway.

  •  This is a wide shot (can barely see them on the bridge).

  • This is a mid shot

The 3 diegetic sounds used for this short film are when the man is trying to start the car and its not starting, when shes dialing on the phone and you can see her pressing the phone buttons and when their walking down the street and you can hear their feet hitting the floor. The other 3 non diegetic sounds are when you can hear the music playing in the club, the laughing and talking in the club and when she opens the packet of crisps.

Research of the Panasonic HDC 900 camera:
  • Superior movie quality
  • Digital Cinema mode
  • Tactile and large 3.5-inch touchscreen LCD
  • Range of manual and advanced features
  • Quality of 14.2MP stills

White balance (or WB as it might say on the camera) is basically removing unrealistic color casts like if its way too white and looks silly, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo. Proper camera white balance has to take into account the color temperature of whatever is causing the light. Basically white balance is making sure it doesn't look too bright or dark in places.

The rule of thirds states than an image is most pleasing when its subjects or regions are composed along imaginary lines which divide the image into thirds. Both vertically and horizontally.

E.g. Here you can see a bottle placed on a piece of wood or bench or table. The rule of thirds states that an image is more pleasing if its not smack bang in the middle and is on these imaginary lines you see here on the image below. This photographer has followed these rules aligning it in the perfect place on 2 lines of interest and over to one side.

We also had to create a storyboard for our own short film and i did a remake of The Sword In The Stone. Here's the story board

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