Wednesday 16 September 2015

Cory Alderman (The creator of this photograph) used to work at a studio called Curious Pictures which went through some hard times and during its final weeks was throwing all sorts of old stop motion puppets in a bin. Cory was there to acquire some equipment and saw these puppets in the bin and took them home because he said they looked too special to end up in a junk yard or crushed. They are from a 1990's commercial for the cereal "Oh's" (you can see the "Oh's" shaped cereal nuggets in the lady's necklace) and are quite creepy in my opinion. Cory took them home to scare his room-mate. After his fun, he put them in storage and kept thinking they would be useful at some point, and when he saw a photo contest, Cory figured this might be their time to shine. He says that he had a lot of fun shooting these and that he hopes they bring everyone else as much joy as they brought himself.

This photograph is from Rachel Baran. She's a photographer and she made this photo because of her rare condition called Excoriation disorder or Dermatillomania. She basically cant stop scratching her skin and peeling her skin off and she doesn't even notice shes doing it it just happens randomly. She didnt know she had a condition at first because she didn't think it existed. She now has to sleep with socks on her hands or while reading and watching TV etc. She made this art because she wants to help other people and called the art "self sabotage" and goes on to say how your skin is always trying to heal itself and she gets in the way of that because of her condition. now though shes much better and says that her skin just after a week of cream and sleeping with socks on her hands actually now looks like skin.

This photograph is also quite dark and twisted + pretty gory as well but basically its another photo from Rachel Baran and its quite interesting really. Basically she goes on to tell everyone that women aren't just objects and aren't trophies for men to have and use like toys and that every human has their own body and is not there to serve someone else's needs which of course is exactly true and shes totally right and also gave a few horrible experiences of her own with men. The meaning to this quite weird, strange, gory, twisted and a little bit dark image is that the woman is ripping a tag out of her arm. Like shes been priced and shes for sale or something so shes gone and cut the tag out of her arm as if to say "no more of the objectifying of women"

This photographer is called Martin De Pasquale and he has lots of really cool twisted photography where he's also used Photoshop as well in the image. What I like about Martin is that he doesn't tell you why hes created the image he leaves you guessing and gets your brain working as to why he's created it.

This piece of art was made by Martin using a camera and obviously Photoshop. I think that he made this piece of art to portray how the world has gotten a whole lot smaller since technology has evolved. If you take a look at this picture its train tracks with zippers connecting them up and also it looks like as the zippers that you find on coats and jeans etc zip up the train lines the 2 sides of field beside them come together as if to say the train tracks are bringing them closer.

This is another piece by Martin but this time in the picture he's standing in a dark room only lit up by the fridge itself with the bottom of his t-shirt in his mouth so you can see his stomach but instead of his stomach that you can see its an open mouth with a tongue, teeth and a load of saliva dripping everywhere. i think this ones pretty easy to get your head around. It's like midnight munchies as you can tell by the clock behind him the time is 00:20 and its like his stomach is leading him to the fridge to get food because he's hungry, as if his stomach has taken over and cant help but get food.

This one is quite twisted and freaky here. It's Martin standing there with his decapitated head flying in the air above him and instead of his head being there it's a football. I think this picture speaks for itself really. Like all that's on his mind is football, as if he sees, eats, lives and dreams for football all day everyday.

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