Tuesday 29 September 2015

In this lesson we were put into our own groups of three and told to first get to know each other and then to say what our skills are and i would say that mine are that I have a very active imagination and also I'm confident enough to get in front of the camera etc. We then were asked to choose around 3 or 4 freaky adverts to choose so we chose the little baby's ice cream advert and 2 phones 4 u adverts, one with a little girl in the car park and the other with a man running through the forest.

The web addresses will be at the top of each picture.

This is a SUPER creepy advert for "Little baby's ice cream" and has a guy covered in ice cream eating it off himself with his voice as a voice over also saying things in a quite creepy way.
This is a close up.
This advert is all non diegetic sound with the voice overs and creepy music. It has no diegetic sound in this advert. The tempo in this is slow to add extra creepiness. There are lots of major keys and no minor keys but the way the major keys are is really creepy and weird.

This advert is one for "Phones 4 U" and has a man running through a dim lit forest and hides behind a tree to the look to his left and discover a zombie man selling him a phone.
This is a mid shot.
In this advert it has diegetic sound where he's running through the bushes and heavily breathing then he screams and the zombie man starts talking to  him. It has non diegetic sound because there is background music and also the voice over at the end. The tempo in this is a building up one so it starts off slow ish then the music starts to build up to the point where he encounters the zombie so it had lots of minor keys but some major keys.

This is another freaky advert of a woman going and getting into her car but being haunted by a little ghost girl who then tries to sell her a phone.
This is a two shot.
The diegetic sound is here walking and screaming, Also you can see the light flicker and it hear the electronic buzz. The non diegetic sound is the background music and the little ghost girl talking when you don't see her lips moving.
The tempo in this is also one where it builds up to the point where she sees the little ghost girl and screams meaning there aren't many major keys but there is lots of minor keys.

1 comment:

  1. Good notes and appropriate examples. You could add more detail by describing shots and identifying sound types.
