Thursday 24 September 2015

photoshop 3 ghostly images

This picture is of a man in an old time american suit with a cigar in his hand standing in some foggy woods. Basically what i had to do in this lesson was to find 2 images, 1 a background image and 1 of a person and make the person into a ghostly apparition. i copied and pasted both images into Photoshop and put the background image on layer 1 and the second image which is the person into layer 2, cut him out with the pen tool, right click, make selection, select at the top of the screen then click inverse and press delete to get rid of the background image. Then I pressed the image button at the top, adjustments, hue/saturation then saturation and drag it from colour to black and it'll go black and white like a ghost. you then go to the far right and click opacity and put it to however ghostly you want the image e.g. 50% etc.

This image is some woods with a crashed up car and a spooky abandoned looking house in the background and a ghostly man in a modern suit and tie.

This image is of New York with huge buildings and busy people and cars everywhere but has a ghostly plains Indians person in the far left.

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