Monday 21 September 2015


In today's lesson we learnt about the parts of the camera and what they do and had to sketch up an image of a camera. As you can see here its all labeled so ill go through it now.

  • The hood is used as protection from rain, snow, scratches and it shades it from unwanted light etc.
  • The mic on the top records everything for your videos etc.
  • the flash is obviously the flash so it gives you light.

  • the shutter speed button lets you do cool images like if you want to capture blurry traffic. (Slow shutter speeds allow more light into the camera sensor and are used for low-light and night photography, while fast shutter speeds help to freeze motion.)
  • on and off buttons to turn the camera on and off.
  • the selection wheel has auto etc on it but also has P for program, A for aperture (which is the size of the photographic lens basically means a large aperture would focus on the closest object the rest of the objects in the background would go blurry while the small aperture would focus on all of the objects. You would use a wide or large aperture when taking a picture of someone and you didn't want the scruffy background or just didn't want the background behind to be seen as clearly and you would use a small one when taking a picture of like mountains where you want to see everything.) S is shutter speed which I've explained and ama means manual.
  • The shutter button is the button you use to take a photograph.
  • the viewfinder lets you look into the camera and have more of a feel for it and get more accurate photos.
  • the screen is to display your photos and you can also use this to take photos if you want although the viewfinder is mainly better.

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