Thursday 17 September 2015

In todays lesson we learned how to manipulate images with the Photoshop tool. We learned how to use the clone stamp tool and paint parts of the pictures we chose onto the picture e.g i had a picture of Leonardo Di DiCaprio and used the clone stamp tool to pain his eye between his 2 eyebrows, clone and paint his nose onto his chin and then clone and paint his lips onto his forehead. I used it to also clone a dogs head so it looked like a 2 headed dog and finally in this lesson I learned how to take 2 different photos and merge them together as one. As you can see in the last picture here i took a lion and a king and merged them together as one by using the clone stamp tool, I took the lions mane, eyes, nose and top of his head and put them together with the king. I used control+T and shift then left click and drag to move and change shape to the picture and get it fitted to the correct shape needed then we learned how to save our images as a JPEG for uploading to your blog etc and as Photoshop so we could still edit it.

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