Tuesday 22 September 2015

I chose to pick L'OREAL as my company to expose because they test on animals so I've created a drawing to expose them about about it. In this drawing their slogan "because you're worth it" has been changed to "Is it worth it?" as if to say is it really worth buying their products when they do such terrible things to animals in which are also displayed here where the bunny rabbit has 1 eye and the other eye that has been taken off because of their testing is bleeding, the bunny also has damage to one of its ears.

In the drawing there is a crazed mad scientist with an evil smile on his face and bloodshot eyes and he's also got a box of chemicals with him.

Next to the bunny rabbit there is a monkey in a cage in handcuffs.

Here i have recreated what i drawn using mainly the pen tool. I have the L'Oreal logo with the slogan changed to "is it worth it?", a mad scientist standing on a box with chemicals and 2 animals. One is the monkey in the cage and the other is a bunny being tested on.

Even though L'Oreal said it only tests 1% of their products on animals (we still don't know if that's true or not) its still 1% of animals that are being caged up and tested on. Here is the screenshot of it and i also have the web address.


The link and screenshot is here also if you want to check up on it for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Really creative idea Reece, it would be a good idea to link to the research you did into L'oreal.
