Tuesday 29 September 2015

video advert research sheet + proposal

In this lesson we  have came up with the idea of creating a tasty energy bar called "Avidity Bar" and basically its an energy bar that energizes you and the reason we called it that is because the meaning of avidity is stated here; Avidity refers to the accumulated strength of multiple affinities of individual non-covalent binding interactions, such as between a protein receptor and its ligand, and is commonly referred to as functional affinity. Keen interest or enthusiasm.

In our energy bar it will consist of the following ingredients:

  • Dates and dried fruits.
  • Natural sweeteners.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Summer fruits.
  • Oats.
  • Coconut flakes.
  • Honey.
  • vanilla essence.
  • Dragon fruit.
  • (its also vegetarian).
What we're going to do in the advert is I'm going to be getting chased by a zombie (Jake) then i see the Avidity Bar on the floor and the camera zooms in on the bar and zooms in on the "gives you energy" part of it so i open it and eat it and then go running up the stairs but were going to fast forward the video so it looks like I'm "supersonic-ing" up the stairs as if the bar has gave me super amounts of energy and then its going to cut to a picture of the bar and the slogan is going to say "for when you need energy in those desperate times"

Here is a picture of our notes: research sheets

In this lesson we were put into our own groups of three and told to first get to know each other and then to say what our skills are and i would say that mine are that I have a very active imagination and also I'm confident enough to get in front of the camera etc. We then were asked to choose around 3 or 4 freaky adverts to choose so we chose the little baby's ice cream advert and 2 phones 4 u adverts, one with a little girl in the car park and the other with a man running through the forest.

The web addresses will be at the top of each picture.

This is a SUPER creepy advert for "Little baby's ice cream" and has a guy covered in ice cream eating it off himself with his voice as a voice over also saying things in a quite creepy way.
This is a close up.
This advert is all non diegetic sound with the voice overs and creepy music. It has no diegetic sound in this advert. The tempo in this is slow to add extra creepiness. There are lots of major keys and no minor keys but the way the major keys are is really creepy and weird.

This advert is one for "Phones 4 U" and has a man running through a dim lit forest and hides behind a tree to the look to his left and discover a zombie man selling him a phone.
This is a mid shot.
In this advert it has diegetic sound where he's running through the bushes and heavily breathing then he screams and the zombie man starts talking to  him. It has non diegetic sound because there is background music and also the voice over at the end. The tempo in this is a building up one so it starts off slow ish then the music starts to build up to the point where he encounters the zombie so it had lots of minor keys but some major keys.

This is another freaky advert of a woman going and getting into her car but being haunted by a little ghost girl who then tries to sell her a phone.
This is a two shot.
The diegetic sound is here walking and screaming, Also you can see the light flicker and it hear the electronic buzz. The non diegetic sound is the background music and the little ghost girl talking when you don't see her lips moving.
The tempo in this is also one where it builds up to the point where she sees the little ghost girl and screams meaning there aren't many major keys but there is lots of minor keys.

Monday 28 September 2015

In this lesson we had to recreate one of the 10 freaky images but in our own way and is also going to be used in our advert so i was thinking i could use my image for an advert for donating organs or something like don't hide away from abuse if you're getting abused then don't hide your bumps etc, tell someone.

The example below is what I'm basing it off and basically I took 2 pictures and Photoshop-ed his eye and mouth over it, burned the edges and also smudged the edges also. I did the same with his eye.

I then filled the background with a black layer to make him stand out more and to get rid of the shadow and other background stuff I used the pen tool to cut around him.

Thursday 24 September 2015


In this part of today's lesson i learnt how to create a banner and then make it into a poster.
i basically created a rectangular image and used a tool called the anchor pointer and selected one side of the rectangle then bent it inwards and did the same to the other side to create that image. I then created a square and used the direction selection tool to cut it in half. I double clicked the half square and clicked on the gradient overlay option, made the degrees 90 and set the scale to 150, played around with it a bit until it was then pressed okay. Also i then reflected the image and put it in place. I then added text, found an image, used the pen tool to cut around it, found a background image and placed it in the appropriate place.

photoshop 3 ghostly images

This picture is of a man in an old time american suit with a cigar in his hand standing in some foggy woods. Basically what i had to do in this lesson was to find 2 images, 1 a background image and 1 of a person and make the person into a ghostly apparition. i copied and pasted both images into Photoshop and put the background image on layer 1 and the second image which is the person into layer 2, cut him out with the pen tool, right click, make selection, select at the top of the screen then click inverse and press delete to get rid of the background image. Then I pressed the image button at the top, adjustments, hue/saturation then saturation and drag it from colour to black and it'll go black and white like a ghost. you then go to the far right and click opacity and put it to however ghostly you want the image e.g. 50% etc.

This image is some woods with a crashed up car and a spooky abandoned looking house in the background and a ghostly man in a modern suit and tie.

This image is of New York with huge buildings and busy people and cars everywhere but has a ghostly plains Indians person in the far left.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Today we watched a film called "wasp" and it was about 20 minutes long. It was about an extremely poor family struggling and basically she falls for this man but she has 4 kids in which one of them was a baby. She was also fighting for her kids to not be taken away from social services. She meets some man in a car who asks her out that night to play pool at the club so she says shell think about it because she has 4 kids that she needs to look after but she doesn't tell him that, she says that she will think about it. She couldn't find a babysitter so she leaves them outside the pub while she goes in and plays pool with the man. Later on they get talking and she goes into his car and they start sexually kissing but then a wasp goes into the baby's mouth so she runs out the car to the baby but luckily the wasp flew back out.

Here are a list of shots that were used with the screenshots:

  •  This is a cut in shot.

  •  This is an extreme close up.

  • This is an extreme wide shot. 

  •  This is a medium close up.

  •  This screenshot is of a noddy shot.

  •  This is an over the shoulder shot.

  •  This is a two shot.

  •  This is a cutaway.

  •  This is a wide shot (can barely see them on the bridge).

  • This is a mid shot

The 3 diegetic sounds used for this short film are when the man is trying to start the car and its not starting, when shes dialing on the phone and you can see her pressing the phone buttons and when their walking down the street and you can hear their feet hitting the floor. The other 3 non diegetic sounds are when you can hear the music playing in the club, the laughing and talking in the club and when she opens the packet of crisps.

Research of the Panasonic HDC 900 camera:
  • Superior movie quality
  • Digital Cinema mode
  • Tactile and large 3.5-inch touchscreen LCD
  • Range of manual and advanced features
  • Quality of 14.2MP stills

White balance (or WB as it might say on the camera) is basically removing unrealistic color casts like if its way too white and looks silly, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo. Proper camera white balance has to take into account the color temperature of whatever is causing the light. Basically white balance is making sure it doesn't look too bright or dark in places.

The rule of thirds states than an image is most pleasing when its subjects or regions are composed along imaginary lines which divide the image into thirds. Both vertically and horizontally.

E.g. Here you can see a bottle placed on a piece of wood or bench or table. The rule of thirds states that an image is more pleasing if its not smack bang in the middle and is on these imaginary lines you see here on the image below. This photographer has followed these rules aligning it in the perfect place on 2 lines of interest and over to one side.

We also had to create a storyboard for our own short film and i did a remake of The Sword In The Stone. Here's the story board

Tuesday 22 September 2015

I chose to pick L'OREAL as my company to expose because they test on animals so I've created a drawing to expose them about about it. In this drawing their slogan "because you're worth it" has been changed to "Is it worth it?" as if to say is it really worth buying their products when they do such terrible things to animals in which are also displayed here where the bunny rabbit has 1 eye and the other eye that has been taken off because of their testing is bleeding, the bunny also has damage to one of its ears.

In the drawing there is a crazed mad scientist with an evil smile on his face and bloodshot eyes and he's also got a box of chemicals with him.

Next to the bunny rabbit there is a monkey in a cage in handcuffs.

Here i have recreated what i drawn using mainly the pen tool. I have the L'Oreal logo with the slogan changed to "is it worth it?", a mad scientist standing on a box with chemicals and 2 animals. One is the monkey in the cage and the other is a bunny being tested on.

Even though L'Oreal said it only tests 1% of their products on animals (we still don't know if that's true or not) its still 1% of animals that are being caged up and tested on. Here is the screenshot of it and i also have the web address.


The link and screenshot is here also if you want to check up on it for yourself.



This advert is a PlayStation 4 advert and the tempo is quite fast, energetic and speedy. This advert has used a range of different notes from high to low and it has a lot of Major Keys as its upbeat, makes your heart race and makes you want to play it, especially when the man in the advert starts to scream at you about it. The build up to it has quite a lot of minor keys to make it dramatic but it isn't sad and the diegetic sound is when the water hits the formula 1 car and when the horse screams. This advert has quite a lot of non diegetic sound because its animated a lot for example the voice overs, background music, a lot of spaceships flying around you etc.


This advert is an advert for Volkswagen. The tempo is quite slow and the keys are deep and long. It doesn't have a lot of major keys as its quite dramatic but not in a sad way dramatic, more to turn the listeners attention towards it so it has a lot of minor keys. The soundtrack doesn't have any diegetic sound apart from the car locking and the plate siding over to the kid but has non diegetic sound which is the soundtrack, the dog barking and that is it.


This advert is a mac advert with very high, upbeat, energetic and speedy tempo and has high key notes. It has no minor keys but has lots of major keys and has zero diegenic sound but does have non diegetic sound which is the soundtrack.


This advert is a CLS (sofa) advert and as you could of guessed the tempo is very slow, calming and relaxing as you'd want to feel from your sofa while sitting on it which is probably why they chose that sort of music. It has high key happy notes mixed in with minor slow notes which makes this piece of music very upbeat but calming at the same time which is perfect for a sofa advert. It has no diegetic sound but has lots of non diegetic sound including the soundtrack and voice over.


This is the coca-cola advert which comes on to your screens around Christmas time. The tempo is fast and happy as you'd expect from a coca cola advert trying to get people in the mood for Christmas. It doesn't really have any minor keys but has lots of major keys. Again this advert has no diegetic sound but has lots of non diegetic sound which is the music and the voice overs in the advert.


This advert is an advert for Calvin Klein where Justin Bieber is playing the drums and posing with Lara Stone and this is where the tempo comes in because the only soundtrack is Justin Bieber playing on the drums but the tempo is very fast and this is where the diegetic sound comes in because it has both diegetic and non diegetic sound as you see Justin playing the drums but then it cuts to the bit where he isn't playing it and the sound carries on. it doesn't have any minor keys in the advert but has major (happy) keys.

Monday 21 September 2015


In today's lesson we learnt about the parts of the camera and what they do and had to sketch up an image of a camera. As you can see here its all labeled so ill go through it now.

  • The hood is used as protection from rain, snow, scratches and it shades it from unwanted light etc.
  • The mic on the top records everything for your videos etc.
  • the flash is obviously the flash so it gives you light.

  • the shutter speed button lets you do cool images like if you want to capture blurry traffic. (Slow shutter speeds allow more light into the camera sensor and are used for low-light and night photography, while fast shutter speeds help to freeze motion.)
  • on and off buttons to turn the camera on and off.
  • the selection wheel has auto etc on it but also has P for program, A for aperture (which is the size of the photographic lens basically means a large aperture would focus on the closest object the rest of the objects in the background would go blurry while the small aperture would focus on all of the objects. You would use a wide or large aperture when taking a picture of someone and you didn't want the scruffy background or just didn't want the background behind to be seen as clearly and you would use a small one when taking a picture of like mountains where you want to see everything.) S is shutter speed which I've explained and ama means manual.
  • The shutter button is the button you use to take a photograph.
  • the viewfinder lets you look into the camera and have more of a feel for it and get more accurate photos.
  • the screen is to display your photos and you can also use this to take photos if you want although the viewfinder is mainly better.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Today we were taught how to use the lasso tool to cut things out more precisely than using the rectangle or circular tool to do it, the pen tool to cut things out very precisely but it takes more time and effort, control Z to undo things, control D to deselect things, when we've cut the image we want out we need to right click and click make selection then click select at the top and click on inverse then click backspace to get rid of anything you don't want but if you want the image outside of the drawing you've made you don't need to do any of that. Also we learned how to zoom in and out of images for better accuracy etc.

The images you see above is the one at the bottom where i just cut it out of a poster and had to get rid of all the people around him which was quite hard to do but the one above at the top is a mixture of the hulk, a lion, J. Coles arm, another different arm and johnny bravos legs. I did this because we had to cut parts of a body out an mash them together to make a really freaky image and that's quite freaky and twisted.

In todays lesson we learned how to manipulate images with the Photoshop tool. We learned how to use the clone stamp tool and paint parts of the pictures we chose onto the picture e.g i had a picture of Leonardo Di DiCaprio and used the clone stamp tool to pain his eye between his 2 eyebrows, clone and paint his nose onto his chin and then clone and paint his lips onto his forehead. I used it to also clone a dogs head so it looked like a 2 headed dog and finally in this lesson I learned how to take 2 different photos and merge them together as one. As you can see in the last picture here i took a lion and a king and merged them together as one by using the clone stamp tool, I took the lions mane, eyes, nose and top of his head and put them together with the king. I used control+T and shift then left click and drag to move and change shape to the picture and get it fitted to the correct shape needed then we learned how to save our images as a JPEG for uploading to your blog etc and as Photoshop so we could still edit it.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Today i learnt to set up a camera, putting in an SD card in the right way, something called crossing the line, zooming in and out and white balance. I also learned about a local director called Simon Ellis and the rule of 3.
Cory Alderman (The creator of this photograph) used to work at a studio called Curious Pictures which went through some hard times and during its final weeks was throwing all sorts of old stop motion puppets in a bin. Cory was there to acquire some equipment and saw these puppets in the bin and took them home because he said they looked too special to end up in a junk yard or crushed. They are from a 1990's commercial for the cereal "Oh's" (you can see the "Oh's" shaped cereal nuggets in the lady's necklace) and are quite creepy in my opinion. Cory took them home to scare his room-mate. After his fun, he put them in storage and kept thinking they would be useful at some point, and when he saw a photo contest, Cory figured this might be their time to shine. He says that he had a lot of fun shooting these and that he hopes they bring everyone else as much joy as they brought himself.


This photograph is from Rachel Baran. She's a photographer and she made this photo because of her rare condition called Excoriation disorder or Dermatillomania. She basically cant stop scratching her skin and peeling her skin off and she doesn't even notice shes doing it it just happens randomly. She didnt know she had a condition at first because she didn't think it existed. She now has to sleep with socks on her hands or while reading and watching TV etc. She made this art because she wants to help other people and called the art "self sabotage" and goes on to say how your skin is always trying to heal itself and she gets in the way of that because of her condition. now though shes much better and says that her skin just after a week of cream and sleeping with socks on her hands actually now looks like skin.


This photograph is also quite dark and twisted + pretty gory as well but basically its another photo from Rachel Baran and its quite interesting really. Basically she goes on to tell everyone that women aren't just objects and aren't trophies for men to have and use like toys and that every human has their own body and is not there to serve someone else's needs which of course is exactly true and shes totally right and also gave a few horrible experiences of her own with men. The meaning to this quite weird, strange, gory, twisted and a little bit dark image is that the woman is ripping a tag out of her arm. Like shes been priced and shes for sale or something so shes gone and cut the tag out of her arm as if to say "no more of the objectifying of women" 


This photographer is called Martin De Pasquale and he has lots of really cool twisted photography where he's also used Photoshop as well in the image. What I like about Martin is that he doesn't tell you why hes created the image he leaves you guessing and gets your brain working as to why he's created it.

This piece of art was made by Martin using a camera and obviously Photoshop. I think that he made this piece of art to portray how the world has gotten a whole lot smaller since technology has evolved. If you take a look at this picture its train tracks with zippers connecting them up and also it looks like as the zippers that you find on coats and jeans etc zip up the train lines the 2 sides of field beside them come together as if to say the train tracks are bringing them closer.


This is another piece by Martin but this time in the picture he's standing in a dark room only lit up by the fridge itself with the bottom of his t-shirt in his mouth so you can see his stomach but instead of his stomach that you can see its an open mouth with a tongue, teeth and a load of saliva dripping everywhere. i think this ones pretty easy to get your head around. It's like midnight munchies as you can tell by the clock behind him the time is 00:20 and its like his stomach is leading him to the fridge to get food because he's hungry, as if his stomach has taken over and cant help but get food.


This one is quite twisted and freaky here. It's Martin standing there with his decapitated head flying in the air above him and instead of his head being there it's a football. I think this picture speaks for itself really. Like all that's on his mind is football, as if he sees, eats, lives and dreams for football all day everyday.


Tuesday 15 September 2015

Today 15/9/2015 we learned about marketing and company slogans and basically we were put into groups and had to come up with a trainer for students and it had to be advertised by Taxis so we came up with an idea where we would call it "A-star" and if you got an A* in any subject you would get a free pair of these trainers but of course these trainers are for anyone to buy for 75 pounds but if you get into one of our sponsored taxis wearing a pair of these you get a discount price of 15% for the taxi. also if you're running late we've developed 4 wheels on the bottom of your shoes that pop up and you can roller skate to your education. The men shoes is grey, white and blue and the females shoe is grey, purple and red.

our slogan is "walking to success" and we chose this for students because it makes them more motivated to get higher grades and to achieve more. here is some of the pictures.