Thursday 15 October 2015

health and safety sheets

Here is the heath and safety sheets signed by myself, Paige and Jake.

notes on editing

For the notes on editing we are using a program called "Adobe Premiere Pro" in Marissa's lesson. Here is the screenshot if you'd like to see it.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

video production advert evaluation

For the video production advert me and my group produced a short 15-30 second freaky video advert for my nutritional, energy bar called "Avidity", we had a maximum of 3 different locations that we could use while filming. After taking the cameras out with us and filming them on tripods etc. We had to then go and edit them in a software called Adobe Premiere Pro and present the film to the class and for the class to watch. We researched a lot of things like what were in nutrition bars, the dimensions for bars and the name for the product and how we were going to make our advert freaky (watching freaky adverts helped a lot). We researched things like where we could film and what certain shots would be like, how we would then do those shots and make sure it was the right shot and how to make it freaky and this all helped us a lot because when we actually got to the filming we could easily get right to the filming part of it which is where we came across a problem as we didn't do enough research into if we could film in the car park or not and just assumed it was public property and anyone could film there which was wrong and we came up with a plan B which ended up being the college stairs. 

Here is a screenshot of the adobe premiere pro editing software where you can edit your videos to change colour, speed up, slow down and all different kinds of really cool, new features.

I learnt many skills in doing the video production advert, many which include learning how to edit, using tools on the camera itself which contains all sorts of tools and effects that I have learnt about in lesson and that I used while I’m filming. We learnt how to turn the camera on first as some people don't know about it, I know it sounds simple but it really stumbled me at first as to how to actually turn it on, we also learnt about setting the white balance so that the picture is actually taking in the right kind of colour contrasts in and doesn't look weird or all white. We also learned about how there's a little box you get to take photos and videos and you can use that to get the placement right, it’s kind of like a rectangle on the screen to tell you where to place the people so you can get the right composition for your video. I feel really good about our final piece because we put a lot of work into it and now it’s all complete it looks like a really good and professional advert but to be honest if I could do it again I would probably do a whole lot more research into if the place we want to be filming in is actually available for filming as we started filming quite a few shots in the car park stairs but got swiftly kicked out  which gave us a huge set back as we had to think of a totally different place to do our filming and had to re-do the storyboard.

print advert evaluation

In this blog ill be talking about what i produced for my advert overall, the whole thing that i produced so the end product and talking about my print advert. Me and my group produced a nutritional energy bar that is called "avidity". We had quite a few ideas, from deodorant to drinks but a bar seemed best as not many other people had done a bar and he chose the name avidity because we looked up other words for energy and came across a word called "zeal" but the rest of my group didn't like it so we googled other names for zeal and Avidity came up which means energy or enthusiasm and me and the rest of my group all agreed on that name ans so that's what it is called. A nutritional, energy bar called Avidity. We then had to do a print and video version and for the print version we had to do the dimensions for the bar which took a while to do but i managed to crack it and then get on with designing the fonts and what the bar would look like and come across as. I also had to create a magazine advert for the bar where i had the slogan "energy for those desperate days" below the avidity bar and also had a list of all the things it contains inside the bar and that it was only £1. For the video and film part however we had to create a short film about 15-30 seconds long promoting our product (basically an advert) but could only use a maximum of 3 different locations during filming, after taking the cameras out with us and filming them on tripods etc we had to then go and edit them in a software called Adobe Premiere Pro and present the film to the class and for the class to watch. We researched a lot of things like what were in nutrition bars, the dimensions for bars, the name for the product and how we were going to make our advert freaky (watching freaky adverts helped). We learned many skills in doing the print advert like how to create it all in Photoshop and how to get adverts from a website called "da font" and I also learnt how to create shapes like stars in Adobe Illustrator then how to copy it into Photoshop. I then passed that information onto another student who wanted to know how to do a different shape and import it into Photoshop. It was all very helpful to me in making the advert. I am overall very happy with the final piece for the print advert as me and my group had put a lot of work into it and came across some struggles along the way like the bar dimensions and agreeing on a colour for the bar but we overcame them and in the end it looks like a nice and really professional final product. Next time if i had to do it again though i definitely wouldn't do a bar because that totally wrecked my head but i felt a sense of accomplishment afterwards. Here you can see my print magazine for "Avidity".

Notes on filming

My filming went very well but had an unexpected blip in it so we had to change course. In the beginning we originally wanted to film it in the car park because it looked creepy and cool as hell and we filmed a couple of shots but got kicked out by some man saying it wasn't just public property that you can film on and we needed permission so we left and had to think of a totally different place to film. We ended up filming on the college stairs as you go down to the refectory, the lobby, the front entrance and the elevator. Filming all together went well, i found it quite hard to act and we shot around 3 shoots per location.

proposal for video advert

What we are intending to do for our video advert (avidity bar) is basically there's going to be a man with an avidity bar going to work and minding his own business like always, he sees a zombie and the zombie the zombie starts chasing after him but he realises he has his energizing avidity bar with him and takes a bite out of it and gains super energy to get away from the zombie. The man with the avidity bar is me, the zombie is Jake and the camera person is Paige.What we'll be doing is using the college stairs, elevator, lobby and the steps out on the front of the building. We was originally going to use the car park and we filmed a few bits in there but a man came and said that we can't use it and that we need to have permission so that's why we chose the locations we did. After filming it all the 3 of us will edit it all and compose it down to 30 seconds where we will then have to present it to the class and let them watch it.

ill be using all sorts of tools for my video advert. ill be using tools on the camera itself which contains all sorts of tools and effects that i have learnt about in lesson and that i will have to use while im filming. We learnt how to turn the camera on and i know it seems obvious but at first i genuinely didn't know how to turn it on, we learnt about setting the white balance so that the picture is actually on the right kind of brightness level and is taking in the right kind of colour contrasts in and doesn't look stupid. We also learned about something in photography which we was taught in video and film lesson. There's a little box you get to take photos and video and you can use that to get the placement right.

There are also lots of other effects in other software's that you can use to change the contrasts while editing the film like you can change the colour contrast when someone is biting into a chocolate bar that gives them energy to show that, that person is now super energised which is what i think im going to do for mine. You can also cut down, speed up and add sound to the clips that were going to film.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

locations sheet and plan B location - video and film

This is the first place we went too but we ended up getting kicked out of it because we needed permission to film in this car park and also if any cars end up having scratches on them as its a car park so it wasn't the best idea to film in there. We then had to come up with a plan B and here is our plan B

The first picture here you see is the stairs going down to the refectory in which Jake chases me up. The second picture is also of the stairs which Jake will chase me up. 

Jake will be hiding underneath the stairs waiting for me to try and walk upstairs, hell then chase me up the stairs and ill get away from him super fast because of avidity.

this picture here is the elevator which ill walk out of and head towards the stairs.

This is the ground floor door which i run out of while Jake is chasing me and below is the next door, the lobby and the 2 other entrance doors that Jake chases me through. Although we might not use all of these shots because we need to narrow it down to about 30 seconds.